Fitness & Exercise – 550 Courses

C-Fitness & Exercise – 550 Certificate Courses

| Fitness & Medical Certificate Courses | No Lectures |

| FEES – 4850 INR, $ 65 USD per course |

| COURSE DURATION – 2 years | 48 hours Certificates delivery | FEES – 4850 INR, $ 65 USD per course |

 | Lifetime Validity Certificates | Pdf Books issued | No Classroom Lectures | 


C001 The Human Body

C002 Human Body: An Introduction

C003 Drawing Human Body

C004 Expressing Human Body

C005 Human Body: Evolution, Health &  Disease

C006 A Study Of Female Body

C007 The Human Body – Engage

C008 Mind Needs To Know Your Body

C009 Human Body Systems, Student Editio

C010 Human Body, How It Works?

C011 Physics Of The Human Body

C012 Encyclopedia Body Image & Human Appearance

C013 Human Development

C014 Anatomical Structure & Mechanism Of Human Body

C015 Bodies SoulsOr Spirited Bodies

C016 The Human Body: Building Blocks

C017 Illustrated Guide To Human Body

C018 Human Bodies, Human Choices

C019 Biomechanics OfHuman Body

C020 Human Body

C021 Human Body Encyclopedia

C022 TheHuman Body: Structure & Function

C023 BrainBody &  Mind: Neuroethics

C024 How  Human Body Creates Itself?

C025 Assessment Human Body Kinematics & Kinetics




C026 Applied Anatomy

C027 Anatomy & Human Biology

C028 Strength Training Anatomy

C029 Stretching Anatomy

C030 Free weight Training Anatomy

C031 Women’s Strength Training Anatomy

C032 Anatomy Of Martial Art

C033 Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy

C034 Bodybuilding Anatomy

C035 Pilates Anatomy

C036 Plyometric Anatomy

C037 Running Anatomy

C038 Bodybuilding Anatomy

C039 Functional Anatomy Of Pilates Core

C040 Dance Anatomy & Kinesiology

C041 Functional Anatomy For Sport & Exercise

C042 Anatomy, Stretching & Training

C043 Yoga Anatomy

C044 Pilates Anatomy : A Comprehensive Guide

C045 Functional Awareness : Anatomy In Action

C046 Biomechanics Of Sport & Exercise

C047 Your Sacred Anatomy

C048 Swimming Anatomy

C049 Basketball anatomy

C050 Golf Anatomy


C051 Exercise Physiology

C052 Sport Exercise Physiology Testing Guidelines

C053 Physiology Of Sport & Exercise

C054 Exercise Physiology: Kinanthropometry & Exercise

C055 Sport & Exercise Physiology

C056 Exercise Physiology In Special Populations

C057 Advanced Neuromuscular Exercise Physiology

C058 Exercise Prescription : Physiological Foundations

C059 Clinical Exercise Physiology

C060 Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual

C061 Paediatric Exercise Physiology

C062 Molecular Exercise Physiology: Introduction

C063 Cardio-Respiratory Exercise Physiology

C064 Psychosocial Factors Influencing Exercise Capacity

C065 Physiology Of Exercise In Spinal Cord Injury

C066 Physiological Aspects Of Sport Training Performance

C067 Biomechanics & Exercise Physiology

C068 Exercise Physiology: Thematic Approach

C069 Exercise Medicine. Physiological principles

C070 Cardio-Respiratory Exercise Physiology

C071 Cellular Physiology &Metabolism Of Exercise

C072 Pathophysiology Of Exercise Tolerance

C073 Children & Exercise

C074 The Physiology Of Training

C075 Exercise Physiology – People & Ideas

C076 Exercise On Aspects Of Muscle Physiology

C077 Primer For Exercise & Nutrition Sciences

C078 Case Studies In Physiology & Nutrition


C079 Encyclopedia Of Human Body Systems

C080 Advanced Studies Of The Human Aura

C081 Glencoe Science: Human Body Systems

C082 Human Body & Basic Body Systems

C083 The Endocrine System

C084 The Illustrated Guide To Human Body

C085 Skeletal  &  Muscular System

C086 The Digestive System

C087Human Body, How It Work?

C088 Renal and urinary systems

C089 The Respiratory System

C090 Introduction To Human Body Systems

C091 Medical Terminology

C092 Central Nervous System & Vascularization

C093 The Brain & The Nervous System

C094 Human Body Systems

C095 The Cardiovascular System

C096 The Human Body

C097 Human Physiology, Disease & Healing

C098 The Human Body: Building Blocks

C099 Metagenomics Of The Human Body

C100 Urinary System and Electrolyte Balance


C101 Fitness ABCs – International Fitness

C102 Fitness ForDummie

C103 Fitness & Health: A Practical Guide

C104 Physical Fitness Guide – Human Performance

C105 TheTotal Fitness Manual: Transform Your Body

C106 High Intensity Fitness Revolution For Men

C107 Swimming For Total Fitness

C108 Youth Strength Training :Health & Fitness

C109 A Guide To Getting Fighting Fit

C110 Health & Fitness Expert – Survival Training

C111 Core Fitness : Ultimate Guide

C112 Fit & Female: The Perfect Fitness

C113 Total Fitness Bodybuilding

C114 The Diet  & Fitness Secret

C115 Fitness Independence

C116 Paleo Fitness: A Primal Training

C117 Physical Fitness

C118 Fitness &Exercise Course

C119 Advanced Fitness Assessment  &  Exercise Prescription

C120 A Girl’s Guide To Fitting In Fitness

C121 Black Belt Fitness For Life

C122 Boxing Fitness Training Course

C123 Fitness Course

C124 Fiscal Fitness

C125 Fitness Boxing & Kickboxing Workout




C126 Anatomy Of Stretching

C127 Stretching Your Boundaries: Flexibility Training

C128 Ultimate Guide To Stretching & Flexibility

C129 Relax Into Stretching

C130 TheStretch Workout Plan: Simple Exercises

C131 Plyo-Flex: Plyometrics&  Flexibility Training

C132 Stretching Scientifically: Flexibility Training

C133 Stretching For Functional Flexibility

C134 Stretching Scientifically

C135 Stretching To Stay Young: Simple Workouts

C136 Customized Program – Increasing Flexibility, Avoiding Injury

C137 Relax Into Stretch : Instant Flexibility

C138 TheGenius Of Flexibility: The Smart Way

C139 Anatomy, Stretching & Training

C140 Prescriptive Stretching

C141 Stretch To Win

C142 Stretching For Dummies

C143 Stretch Sensor

C144 Hamstring Flexibility

C145 Maintaining Body Balance, Flexibility &  Stability

C146 Exercises To Improve Flexibility, Increase Mobility

C147 PSOAS Strength &Flexibility : Core Workouts

C148 Stretching Scientifically: A Guide

C149 Functional Flexibility

C150 Flexibility Training Guide




C151 Cardio-Respiratory Exercise

C152 Exercise For Weight Loss & Cardio-Protection

C153 Interpretation Of Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Tests

C154 Modelling& Regulating Of Cardio-Respiratory Response

C155 Energetics Of Muscular Exercise

C156 Computerized Cardiopulmonary Exercise

C157 Activity Guide

C158 Stabilization Of The Cardiac Nervous System

C159 The Cardio-Respiratory Human System

C160 Cardio Wave Excite

C161 Associated Cardio-Renal Dysfunction

C162 Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation

C163 Cardiovascular Care In The Cancer Patient

C164 Cardio-Respiratory Response Of Interval Training

C165 Your Best Body Ever

C166 Cardio-Metabolic Risk From Birth To Middle Age

C167 Physiotherapy In Cardiorespiratory

C168 Abs Revealed

C169 Platelets, Haemostasis&  Inflammation

C170 The Life Plan

C171 Cardiovascular Complications

C172 Cardiovascular Safety

C173 Pulmonary Dysfunction

C174 Cardiovascular Emergencies

C175 Secrets To Peak Performance Fitness


C176 Weight Lifting and Weight Training

C177 Weight Training Basics

C178 Weight Training: Steps to Success

C179 Maximize Muscle Growth Using Bodyweight

C180 Kettlebell Training For Athletes

C181 Weight Training For Dummies

C182 Fitness Weight Training

C183 Guide To Weight Training

C184 Fitness Weight Training

C185 Strength Training on Ball: Pilates Approach

C186 Exercise Technique Manual

C187 Fitness weight training


C189 Fundamental Weight Training

C190 Weight Training For Life

C191 Beginning Weight Training

C192 Dream Body with Bodyweight Exercises (Calisthenics)

C193 Weight-Training Technique

C194 Weight Training Without Injury

C195 Comparing Motives, Goals And Weight Training

C196 Beginner Training Plan

C197 Positive Adaptations To Weight-Lifting Training

C198 Men’s Health Home Workout

C199 Training with Free Weights or Machines

C200 Medicine Ball Workouts: Strengthen Major

C201 Ultimate Guide To Weight Training

C202 Course On Weight-Training

C203 Racing Weight : How To Get Lean

C204 Get Your Strongest Body

C205 Automated Weight Lifting Coach

C206 Ways to Work Out with Weights

C207 Strength Training 2nd Edition

C208 Course of Resistance Training

C209 Training For Warriors

C210 To Seal Fit

C211 Functional Cross Training

C212 Develop Explosive Power And Strength

C213 Minimalist Guide to Functional Strength

C214 High Intensity Interval Training

C215 Muay Thai Training Exercises

C216 Combat Conditioning: Functional Exercises

C217 Superior Dumbbell Workout

C218 Women’s Home Workout

C219 Superhero ”Armor-Plated” Chest

C220 Your Best Body Ever

C221 The Weight of Images: Affect, Body Image

C222 Fitness Made Simple: Power To Change

C223 Full Strength : A Training Handbook

C224 Weights On The Ball Workbook

C225 Appetite Awareness Training As A Weight


C226 High Intensity Interval Training

C227 Art Of High Intensity Training

C228 Fitness Training: High-Intensity Workouts

C229  High-Intensity Training (HIT)

C230 High Intensity Versus Endurance Training

C231 Short-Term High-Intensity Interval Training

C232 High-Intensity Physical Training

C233 Power, High-Intensity Resistance Exercise

C234 Short Duration High-Intensity Interval Training

C235 Effects of High Intensity Interval Training on Hemostasis

C236 High-Intensity Aerobic Interval Training on Cardiovascular Disease

C237 Intense Training Program Influence On Hypermobility

C238 Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training

C239 High Intensity Intermittent Exercise Training

C240  Metabolic Responses Of High Intensity Intermittent Exercise

C241 Effect Of A High-Intensity Isometric Potentiating Warm-Up

C242 Simple Secret Of High-Intensity Training

C243 Recommendations for High Intensity Resistance

C244 High Intensity Sprinting

C245 Monitoring training and performance

C246 Interval Training: HIIT Approach

C247 Train Smart

C248 Home workout circuit training

C249 Functional Cross Training:  Revolutionary

C250 Youth strength training : programs for health, fitness

C251 Weapons of Fitness: Women’s Ultimate Guide

C252 Bodybuilding & Fitness Portal

C253 Muscle and Strength Training Pyramid

C254 Building the Gymnastic Body

C255 Complete Guide to Dumb-Bell Training

C256 Your Body is Your Gym: Use Your Bodyweight

C257 36 Signature Training Workout Programs

C258 Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning

C259 Thrive Fitness: The Vegan-Based Training Program

C260 Fitness Training for Girls

C261 Physical Fitness : Fitness Testing And Instruction

C262 Fit To Fight The Manual Of Intense Training

C263 Warrior Fitness: High Performance Bodyweight Training

C264 Dumbbell Training: A Scientific Approach

C265 Men’s Health: Get Bigger, Stronger

C266 Principles of Functional Exercise

C267 Fast and Easy Workout

C268 Core Training : Training Your Body

C269 Physical Fitness

C270 Strength Training Not Bodybuilding

C271 Fitness Weight Training


C272 Ab Wheel Workouts

C273 The 6-Pack Checklist: A Step-By-Step Guide

C274 Abs Diet

C275 30 Day Abs Challenge

C276 Truth About Six-Pack Abs

C277 No-Risk Abs: Safe Workout Program

C278 Giant Book Of Six-Pack Abs

C279 Abs on the Ball Pilates Approach

C280 About Six-Pack Abs

C281 Total Abs: Build a Rock-Hard

C282 Strengthen And Sculpt Your Abs

C283 Abs Challenge

C284 Hard Style Abs

C285 Step-By-Step Guide To Shredded Abs

C286 Abs Revealed

C287 Back, And Abs By Training

C288 15-Minute Abs Workout

C289 SpecForce Abs

C290 100 Workouts

C291 Psoas Strength And Flexibility : Core Workouts

C292 Best Abs: Revolutionary Core Workouts

C293 AbSmart Fitness Plan: Proven Workout

C294 TheHiitburn Abs Blueprint

C295 Pocket Workouts

C296 The Gold’s Gym Beginner’s Guide

C297 Real Muscle Real Fast

C298 Fitness Made Simple: Change Your Body

C299 Beginning Bodybuilding

C300 Training Equipment

C301 Real Muscle/Real Fast

Fat Loss weight Loss

C302 Sustained Weight Loss And Vibrant Health

C303 Dumbbell Workout Weight Loss

C304 Fat Loss Forever

C305 Strength Training For Fat Loss

C306 Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts

C307 Plan for Supercharged Weight Loss

C308 Body-Changing Workouts Losing Fat

C309 Secrets To  Slimmer And Healthier

C310 The Fat Flush Fitness Plan

C311 Zumba Weight Loss Program

C312 Dream Body with Bodyweight Exercises

C313 Guide To Weight Loss, Anti-Aging And Fat Prevention

C314 Fat Fighting Fortnight: Diet And Fitness Plan

C315 Trouble Spot Fat Loss: Lose Weight, Build Muscle

C316 A Clinical Guide To Weight Loss And Maintenance

C317 The Mindful Path To Permanent Weight Loss

C318 Burning Fat and Losing Weight Forever

C319 Effortless Weight Loss, Vibrant Health

C320 Program for Lasting Weight Loss

C321 Know About Fat Loss

C322 Weight-Loss Apocalypse

C323 Forever Fat Loss

C324 Rethinking Thin : Science Of Weight Loss

C325 Spiritual Weight Loss

C326 Exercise- Induced Weight Loss

C327 Lose the Fat and Get Fit

C328 Winning At Weight Loss And Wellness

C329 Parental Influences On Child Weight Loss

C330 Fat Burn Secrets 1

C331 Count Only Sugar Calories And Lose Up

C332 Fat Nation: A History of Obesity

C333 Fat, Fate, and Disease: Why exercise

C334 The Belly Fat Cure

C335 Weight Management Within Primary Care

C336 The Weight of Obesity: Hunger and Global Health

C337 Professor Trim’s Becoming Slimmer

C338 Stay Young, Slim, And Happy

C339 Weight Loss, Health And Life

C340 Lose The Clutter, Lose The Weight

C341 Slim Down Now

C342 Slim for Life: My Insider Secrets

C343 Slim Down: Flat Abs, Firm Butt & Lean Legs

C344 Slim Chance, Fat Hope: Society’s Obsession

C345 The Body You Deserve

C346 TheZumba Weight Loss Program

C347 History Of Dieting Over Two Thousand Years

C348 The Complete Belly Fat Burner

C349 TheAbSmart Fitness Plan:  Proven Workout

C350 Preventing Childhood Obesity

C351 The Obesity Code: Secrets of Weight Loss

C352 Physical Activity: Obesity Solutions

C353 Assessing Prevalence and Trends in Obesity

C354 Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives

C355  Measuring progress in obesity prevention

C356  Children, Obesity and Exercise: Prevention

C357 Obesity-Related Metabolic Risk Factors

C358 Family Influence On Obesity

C359 Weight Management And Obesity

C360 Keto Clarity: Your Definitive Guide

C361 Disordered Eating from Anorexia to Obesity

C362 The Evolution of Obesity

C363 Metabolic disorders, obesity and fertility

C364 Management of Overweight and Obesity

C365 Obesity: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology

C366 Obesity Epidemiology

C367 Obesity: A Practical Guide

C368 Metabolic Basis of Obesity

C369 Obesity Before Birth: Maternal and prenatal influences

C370 Obesity and Eating Disorders: Research

C371 The Obesity Paradox

C372 Obesity And the Kidney

C373 Applying Systems Thinking to Weight Management

C374 Depression, Obesity& Insomnia

C375 Hunger and Obesity

C376 Pharmacologic Treatment of Obesity

C377 Obesity, Weight Loss, and Weight Cycling

C378 Insulin Resistance In Obesity

C379 TheMechanobiology Of Obesity

C380 Appetite and Body Weight: Integrative Systems


C381 In Der Box:WieCrossfit® Das Training

C382 Training Guide 2 – Crossfit

C383 Crossfit Training Guide

C384 Collection OfCrossfit Journal Articles


C385 Gold’s Gym Bodybuilding Trainer

C386 Gold’s Gym Bodybuilding Trainer/ Instructor

C387 ACSM’s Personal Trainer/ Instructor

C388 ACSM’s Fitness & Health Trainer/ Instructor

C389 ACSM’s Exercise Testing Trainer/ Instructor

C390 ACSM’s Strength Training And Conditioning Trainer/ Instructor

C391 ACSM’s Group Exercise Trainer/ Instructor

C392 ACSM’s Exercise Science Trainer/ Instructor

C393 ACSM American Fitness Index Trainer/ Instructor

C394 ACSM’s Sports Medicine Trainer/ Instructor

C395 ACSM’s Exercise Is Medicine Trainer/ Instructor

C396 Gym Personal Trainer/ Instructor

C397 Personal Fitness Trainer/ Instructor

C398 Personal Trainer/ Instructor

C399 Gym Instructor/ Trainer

C400 Essentials For Personal Trainer/ Instructor

C401 Pilates Personal Trainer/ Instructor

C402 Exercise Personal Trainer/ Instructor

C403 Fitness Personal Trainer/ Instructor

C404 Pushups Trainer/ Instructor

C405 Workout Trainer/ Instructor

C406 Kettlebell Trainer/ Instructor

C407 High-Intensity Interval Trainer/ Instructor

C408 Gym Ball Workout Trainer/ Instructor

C409 Sports Performance Measurement Trainer/ Instructor

C410 Resistance Training Trainer/ Instructor

C411 Abs Trainer/ Instructor

C412 Cell Workout Trainer/ Instructor

C413 Strength Trainer/ Instructor




C414 Health Club Management

C415 Sports Management Emerging Economic Activity

C416 Health Club Management course

C417 Employee Wellness Management

C418 Nation’s Health And Wellbeing Management

C419 Golf club manager

C420 Sport Club Management

C421 Football Club Management

C422 Football club content management

C423 Athletic Club Managers Management

C424 Clubs, Recreation, And Sport Management

C425 Gym Brand Leadership Management

C426 ProScore gym Management

C427 Health Care Organizations Risk Management

C428 Aquatic Fitness Professional

C429 Zumba: Ditch the Workout

C430 Zumba – Instructor Training


Functional Training Certificate Courses

C432 Functional Family Therapy
C433 Functional Cross Training
C434 Functional Training For Sports
C435 Soccer Functional Fitness Training
C436 Functional Training
C437 Functional Anatomy
C438 Stretching Your Boundaries
C439 Functional Exercise
C440 Strength Training Bible
C441 Guide To Functional Strength
C442 Brain To Function Stronger
C443 Functional Training For Sports
C444 Complete Functional Training
C445 Strength Training On The Ball
C446 Conditioning: Functional Exercises
C447 Dynamic Dumbbell Training
C448 Training To Optimize Motor Skill
C449 Dream Body With Bodyweight Exercises
C450 Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain
C451 Super training
C452 Functional Training
C453 Therapeutics Of The Neurological Training
C454 Fitness: A Primal Training
C455 Workout Perfected
C456 Strength Rules, How To Get Stronger
C457 Function In Sport And Exercise
C458 Heart Rate Training
C459 Real And Functional Analysis
C460 Gaining Muscle And Strength
C461 Smarter Faster Better
C462 Functional Training For Sports
C463 Successful Coaching
C464 Functional Interval Training For Older Adults
C465 Exercises In Functional Kinetics
C466 Neuroanatomy And Neuroscience
C467 Sports Medicine And Athletic Training
C468 Electrically Stimulated Ambulation
C469 Respiratory Muscle Training
C470 Training Function For Bottom
C571 Functional Awareness
C472 Practice Of Strength Training
C473 Strength Training Anatomy
C474 Strength Training Bible
C475 Bodyweight Strength Training
C476 Stretching Your Boundaries
C477 Strength Training
C478 Better Posture, Strength & Alignment
C479 Bodyweight Strength Training
C480 Advances In Functional Training
C481 Programming For Strength Training
C482 Starting Strength
C483 Balance Training
C484 Core Strength Training
C485 Encyclopedia Of Muscle & Strength
C486 Strength To Power Conversion
C487 Youth Strength Training
C488 TRX Suspension Training
C489 Strength Training Skills
C490 Easy Strength
C491 Gymnastic Strength Training
C492 Martial Arts Training Guide
C493 Stretching Your Boundaries
C494 Serious Strength Training
C495 Anatomy Of Strength Training
C496 Psoas Strength And Flexibility
C497 Strength Training For Fat Loss
C498 Run For Stability, Strength, And Speed
C499 Conditioning For Athletes
C500 Building Muscle, Building Strength
C501 Manual For Resistance Training
C502 Free Weight Training Anatomy
C503 Basic Barbell Training
C504 High-Intensity Interval Training
C505 Strength Training
C506 Special Strength Training
C507 Practice Of Strength Training
C508 Strength Training Exercises
C509 Strength Training

C510 Maximum Strength
C511 Strength And Conditioning
C512 Functional Training For Sports
C513 Strength Training For Women
C514 Maximum Pushup
C515 Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism
C516 Isometric Power Revolution
C517 Building Muscle And Performance
C518 Running Anatomy
C519 Starting Strength
C520 King Of All Strength Exercises
C521 Starting Strength
C522 The Total Fitness Manual
C523 Core Strength
C524 Guide To Strength Training
C525 Maximum Interval Training
C526 Weight Training
C527 Strength Training Anatomy
C528 Championship Bodybuilding
C529 Perfect 10 Posture
C530 Men’s Health Home Workout
C531 Homemade Muscle
C532 Your Body Is Your Gym
C533 The Total Fitness Manual
C534 Beat The Gym: Personal Trainer
C535 The Men’s Health Gym Bible
C536 Men’s Fitness
C537 Gym Beginner’s
C538 Body By You
C539 Bigger Leaner Stronger
C540 Total Gym Ball Workout
C542 Street Workout, A Worldwide
C543 No Gym, No Time, No Problem
C544 The Brand Gym
C545 Working Out In The Gym
C546 Weeknight Workouts
C547 Workout Perfected
C548 The Men’s Health Hard Body
C549 Boxing, The Gym, And Men
C550 Gym Basics
C551 Women’s Home Workout

| FEES – 4850 INR, $ 65 USD per course |

| YouTube | Platinum Courses | 10k Courses | Master PT Course| Anabolic Cycles|Workshop/ Seminars |

| Diet, Nutrition & Supplementation | Anabolics Steroids & Hormones | Fitness & Exercise Courses | Spa & Massage Therapy | Bodybuilding | Fat Loss & Obesity | Yoga & Pranayama| Physiotherapy & PhysiotherapySports  | Sports & Recreation | Medical & Medicine | Surgery & Plastic Surgeries | Psychiatry & Psychology | Song Writing, Poems, Music Mastering & Mixing | Alternative Medicine | Sex Education | Pregnancy & Lactation | CPR, First Aid & EMS | Radiology & Imaging | Sports Physiology, Sports Medicine & Injuries |

Important Courses

|Zumba| CrossFit| Fat Loss  & ObesityHIIT- High Intensity Interval Training| Keto Diet| Sports MassageStrength Training| Diet & NutritionDeep Tissue Massage| CPR & First Aid| BodybuildingConditioningEMS – Emergency Medical Services |Functional Training| Gym Health Club Management| Personal Training |Pilates Course| Power Lifting| Power YogaSpecial PopulationSports Physiotherapy| YogaAlternative Medicines|



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| FEES – 4850 INR, $ 65 USD per course |  Lifetime Validity Certificates | Pdf Books issued | Medical & Fitness Certificates |

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